
Sunday, January 21, 2007

If You Make Friends With Yourself You Will Never Be Alone

It is true that 52% of the women in the United States are single. I used to think I was in the minority, being single, that is...especially living in Provo, Utah, where getting married at 23 is considered "old". I used to look at being single as a curse or a punishment. I felt sorry for myself and for a while, got lost in the loneliness of not being married. But something changed in me several years ago...I got in touch with myself and became my own best friend and the lonliness went away.

So often friends at work talk to me and tell me not to lose hope, that some day the "right one" will come along. Recently this happened...and I responded by telling my friend that if I get married some day, great, but if not, that is great, too. My friend looked at me with pity and a "yah sure, you keep telling yourself that" kind of look...but the truth of it is, I am happy just being me! I have learned that being with myself can be peaceful, harlarious (I love to laugh at myself), and free.

I learned through the years, that I am happiest when I am using my gifts and talents and doing the things I loved to do when I was a child. It is taking time to bake cookies for friends, send a gift through the mail, sketch a picture or going for a drive in the country, reading a good book, going bowling or ice skating, coloring in a coloring book, wrestling with my dogs, teaching a child to sew, planting flowers, writing in my journal, laughing out loud at myself...These are the small simple things that keep me connected to my soul... I am my own best friend...and if you make friends with yourself, you never are alone.

Accept the place the divine providence has found for you.- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Alice said...

Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!

Love you!

Abigail said...

So cool!! I love your blog! Three cheers for my big sis!

The Emerson quote is beautiful. It applies to everyone, really.

Four big hugs and one little baby one from your biggest fans,

Love, Abigail, John, Anna, JonJon, and Baby Kate

Unknown said...

Thanks guys! Love ya back! Tons!