It has been forever since I've updated this! I've been so busy this past year. My family found out last Fall that Dad had esophageal cancer. He started intense treatments of radiation and chemo in December and January. We received great news in March that his cancer is in total remission! What a huge relief this has been for everyone! Dad will have a few surgeries to remove scar tissue from his esophagus, and his voice will slowly come back over the next 6 months. Thank you for all of your prayers!
This has been a long winter out here in Utah! We had another snow storm blow through this past week. Unfortunately, I was working bus duty this week and it made for some cold mornings standing in a dress out in the snow watching the children! Fortunately, (does this remind you teachers of a book!??) Northern Utah is officially out of the drought we have been in for years. Today it is still in the 40's but the wind has died down and the sun is shining!
My friend Pete Mitchell's Dad and Step-Mom were in town this week and they had extra tickets to General Conference. We were really blessed to have tickets to Saturday morning's solemn assembly. That was such a wonderful experience that I will always remember. Pete's parents were so fun to be with! They had fun teasing me for not wearing a coat as Salt Lake City was much colder and windier than Provo that morning.
My friend Ally moved in with me for a few weeks in March while between apartment contracts. It was so fun having a roommate again! We stayed up late talking almost every night! Kai, my little pup, had a huge crush on her and he would lay outside her bedroom door every morning waiting to greet her. We really miss having her around!
School is going well. I changed to third grade this year. I miss the little first graders, but I love the sense of humor of the older ones. It has been so fun being in third, and I will probably stay in this grade from now on. I started my e-MINTs program in November and take technology classes on Thursday nights. I received 15 new Macs, new computer tables, a digital camera, and scanner for my classroom! We are having a blast! I have a BYU student coming this month to teach clay animation to the children!
My Master's program is more than half done! It is going so fast! I go to class one weekend a month up in SLC. I just finished my Drama class and it was so far my favorite! I've picked up my drawing again and it has become a spiritual exercise for me. I've also adopted my Dad's habit of taking long walks after dinner. I've found my walks ground me and help me clear my mind.
I'm looking forward to summer coming and to taking some long drives in the country!
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