
Sunday, June 6, 2010


So, once again I am blessed with insomnia...and with that comes the blessing of having deep thoughts. Tonight my thoughts turn to friends. My family members, step-brothers and step-sisters, in-laws and "adopted" family members are some of my dearest friends. Then there are my friends that are co-workers, parents of students I have taught, people I went to school with, friends I went to college with and friends I went to grad school with who are all my dear friends. I have friends I met through mutual friends, and friends I met through boyfriends. I have friends I laugh with, and others I cry with. I have friends that I keep at a distance and friends that have an automatic key to my heart. I have friends who I've taken risks with and friends who have taken risks with me. I have friends who have shared embarrassing moments with and friends whom I have shared the most sacred of experiences with.  I have best friends that I talk to all the time. And I have those rare and very dear friends that are close to my heart whom I never see or talk to much, I just know they are there. There are those friends that never get through very many layers of my soul, and then there are those who with one look see into the depths of my soul. I have dear friends who are close to my heart that are much younger than me, and I have dear wise friends who are several years older than me. many varieties yet all serve a very unique and special purpose. Love you, my friends!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Beautiful thoughts! Thank you for sharing!!!